Burial or Cremation Services Near Hastings
Whether they have chosen a burial or cremation service, Hastings families may hold the service at any of a number of venues. Whether that is in the grounds of the memorial park, cemetery, or crematorium, or in another location that better meets their needs, it is a decision that may be made as part of a funeral plan, or one that is made later to help with particular circumstances.
A no-service burial or cremation is appropriate for many different reasons. While a memorial service gives the option to hold the service at a separate time. This may be advisable for large families, helping everyone to gather together in their own time, without feeling pressured in a time of mourning and grief.
Prearranged and Prepaid Funerals for Hastings
Another decision that can remove the stress of time pressures and planning, is to choose a prearranged or prepaid funeral service. Hastings locals who come to us are often more confident in expressing their wishes when they know that they will be lessening, not adding to, the burden placed on those who are near and dear to them.
Setting aside finances in a funeral plan trust allows our clients to fix their funeral costs at today’s prices, with no unexpected costs for their family.
There is no obligation to choose this option, but should you wish to discuss the available plans you can always find compassionate listeners and considered advice from Edward (Ted) Bull & Daughter Funeral Directors.
Areas We Serve Throughout Melbourne
We provide Funeral service Melbourne wide. Find out more by calling us on 03 5977 5684 today! Here are just some of the areas we service.