Burial and Cremation Services Near Camberwell
Whether you are holding a memorial or funeral service in a Camberwell church or nearby memorial park, the choice of venue will largely depend on the type of service that you wish to hold.
Ted and Joanne can help you to choose from the various options that are available. For a traditional funeral service where the casket is present, the service will most likely be held on the grounds of a memorial park, cemetery, or crematorium where the burial or cremation is to take place, or at a nearby worship centre or the family home.
Memorial services where the coffin is not present may be held in a community space, function venue, local parks or gardens that hold special significance. If this is your preference then we will help see to the practical considerations of a less conventional space.
Prearranged and Prepaid Funerals for Camberwell
Offering funeral plans for a prearranged and prepaid funeral is one way that we help ease the burden of funeral arrangements for the bereaved. Whether their wish is for a simple memorial service, a traditional burial or cremation service, Camberwell locals can record their wishes with us, knowing that they will be respected and that their loved ones will not be pressured with unexpected costs in their time of grief.
Areas We Serve Throughout Melbourne
We provide Funeral service Melbourne wide. Find out more by calling us on 03 5977 5684 today! Here are just some of the areas we service.